Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Happy Birthday Mom - 62 Dart

Today would have been my mother's 76th birthday. Fortunately she was able to celebrate her birthday 3 months before she passed. Every year I have celebrated her birthday in some what the same way. Year one I purchased a 1962 Dodge Dart. However it was not planned that way. Somehow I had found and fallen in love with the Dart early on in June of 2013. By the time I had made a decision and gotten the money together to buy it, I realized that I was signing the documents for the car on my mother's birthday. It seemed so fitting that I could now remember my mother through this vehicle it was because of the money that she had left me that I was able to buy it. It almost felt like her giving me a gift on her birthday.

Whenever I drive it I think of her and oddly enough about my father too who had also passed. Had it not been for him I would not have been able to drive the three on the tree column stick shift Dart. I had learned to drive by my father teaching me on an old '67 Chevy, the green bomber. We  were in Fair Oaks, CA driving up and down hills with the 3 gear, column stick shift. He had said if I could learn to drive this car I could drive anything. Fast forward 36 years later and I was able to still recall how to drive this kind of car.

My second year I was going to take a ride in the country but ended up spending time with a girlfriend, however I rode the car over to her home. Every year, it has become a tradition to make sure that I drive the car on her birthday. So today I think I'll take a spin in my '62 Dodge Dart and remember how we use to take long country drives on the weekend in Upstate New York.

I Love and Miss You Mom.

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